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Panel at the IBI/Conference Board Health and Productivity Forum

BLOG | September 27, 2022

ibi-cb-forumCedar Gate’s Panel is on
Wednesday, September 28
in the Great Lakes Ballroom at 11:00 am

Provider-Led Bundles:
Vanderbilt’s Approach to
Value-Based Care for Employers 

Join us as we discuss how Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is leveraging a decade of experience with CMS-created bundles to deliver a fresh approach to value-based care for employers in the commercial market. Learn about how the right combination of technology and insights delivered through collaboration with Metro Nashville Public Schools and Cedar Gate Technologies generates better quality outcomes, reduces costs, and improves value with industry-leading bundles.

Hear about the challenge the employer faced with rising maternity costs, the search for the right provider partner, the collaborative solution that led to change, and the lessons learned along the way from the panel participants.

Panelists included:

BC Brittany Cunningham
Senior Director, Episodes of Care, Population Health
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
dh-circ David Hines
Executive Director, Benefits
Metro Nashville Public Schools
TL-circ Tobin Lassen
EVP, Chief Bundles Solutions Officer
Cedar Gate Technologies

Don’t miss the only session centered around bundled payments equipping you with the information you need for your journey. We hope to see you Wednesday morning in the Great Lakes Ballroom.

You can also find Cedar Gate at Booth 16!

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