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What ACO REACH Entities Need in Comprehensive Technology Solution

BLOG | August 19, 2022

ACO-REACH-3Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Cedar Gate as Best Comprehensive Solution for ACO REACH Organizations

Each year global growth strategy and research firm Frost & Sullivan examines companies in a wide range of industries to find the ones making the biggest impact on leadership and innovation. Recently the firm awarded Cedar Gate Technologies the 2021 North America Technology Innovation Leadership Award for population health management.

The award recognizes Cedar Gate for “[personalizing] healthcare management through data management, analytics, collaborative care management, patient engagement, and quality reporting.” In the award announcement, Frost & Sullivan highlights the tools that Cedar Gate offers to ensure healthcare providers can offer appropriate and optimal patient care that will reduce costs while improving clinical and operational efficiency.

Greg Caressi, a partner, senior vice president, and global client leader at Frost & Sullivan, discusses how important these tools are for healthcare organizations interested in participating in the ACO REACH program starting in 2023.

In addition to the extensive data management, analytics, and population health tools available with Cedar Gate’s end-to-end value-based care platform, the software also facilitates the move from fee-for-service payments to alternative payment models (APMs). That includes innovative retrospective and prospective bundled payments and partial or full capitation arrangements to reduce healthcare costs. The ability to support these new payment models is essential for ACO REACH success. Companies using legacy technology designed for fee-for-service will struggle to realize the cost-saving benefits of these APMs without new software applications purpose-built for value-based payment models.

To find out more about the end-to-end solution that Frost & Sullivan recognized as essential for organizations interested in pursuing ACO REACH, care management, and value-based APMs, contact Cedar Gate today.

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