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Your Composable ACO REACH Tech Stack

The ACO Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) model encourages providers and payers to work together to remove barriers and increase access to high-quality, low-cost care. Our composable tech solutions give you the tools you need to succeed as a REACH accountable care organization.


What is the ACO REACH Program?

The burden of rising healthcare costs is pushing us away from fee-for-service and toward alternative payment models. ACO REACH is a model that pushes organizations toward capitated payment models, with a focus on improving health equity and access to affordable, high-quality care. Greg Caressi of Frost & Sullivan discusses the key details to understand about ACO REACH.

Watch time 6:36

Tech & Tools to Succeed in ACO REACH

ACO REACH invokes many different technology capabilities – from data management and analytics to population health and care management tools that enhance your ability to serve patients, and collect and report on social needs. It all must be integrated to efficiently manage large ACO REACH populations. Learn more about the aspects that should be part of your technology bundle.

Watch time 6:08

Meeting Your ACO REACH Goals

Frost & Sullivan analyzed all of the technology tools available for ACO REACH organizations and found Cedar Gate’s end-to-end capabilities to be some of the most comprehensive available today. The way you build and execute your technology capabilities can make or break ACO REACH success. For organizations that want to succeed, Cedar Gate is the answer.

Watch time 4:36

Cedar Gate Helps ACO Enter ACO REACH Program and Expand Beneficiary Network by 180%+

Cedar Gate’s Value-Based Care Analytics and Capitation Adjudication software helped a large national ACO monitor key quality metrics, accurately assess risk, reconcile capitated payments, and succeed in their first year as an ACO REACH organization.

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See Our Solutions in Action

Choosing the right technology can be a daunting task, but our experts are ready to assist.



Not sure where to start? Discuss your unique goals with our team to determine the right solutions.

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Want to learn more now? Browse short product overviews to decide the right solution for your business.


Putting the Power of One to Work

Our single end-to-end platform gives you the power to dive deep into your data, pulling out critical insights and translating them to actionable steps that improve health and reduce costs. Discover the difference one platform can make in your value-based care journey.

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The right solution for your value-based journey is only a click away. Our modular technology is quickly and easily integrated into current systems and complements existing IT investments so that we can grow with you.

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