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Solutions for Medicare

CMS is all in on value-based care, with plans to continue expanding programs for the next decade. To succeed, you need data management, analytics, care, and payment tech purpose-built for a VBC future.



Onboard & Use Enriched Data

In ACOs, provider networks often work out of multiple disparate EHRs. Our experienced data team can work hundreds of data vendors, sources, and types to normalize and make valuable patient or member data available throughout the applications on our platform. We can also share data with other point solutions in your technology ecosystem. Experience the seamless transition between information, insights, action, and administration when you combine our analytics, care, and payment technologies. Everyone in your organization, from business analysts and actuaries to care managers, providers, claims processors, and finance teams, can act on the same data.

Succeed in Risk-Based Models

CMS’ value-based models support and incentivize the progression towards greater clinical and financial risk sharing. Participants with the technology and skill to take on the most risk are often rewarded with the greatest financial upside. Our analytics uses historical information about your providers and beneficiary population to forecast performance according to the parameters of any risk-based contract. Identify cost and quality levers and model performance based on different measure attainment levels. When combined with our integrated care and payment tools, organizations can act on insights to proactively control risk.

Translate Insights to Actions

When clinical and administrative teams act collaboratively on insights derived from a common data source, managing organizations can better align care delivery with the clinical and financial goals of the enterprise. Our care management tools assign cohorts to care pathways that support the coordinated actions of interdisciplinary teams to manage care, utilization, and outreach. Assign tasks according to professional license in organizations with multiple team members to ensure efficient and appropriate resource use and top-of-license care. Predefined program flows, with integrated tasks, time tracking, and communication tools reduce variations in care.

Administer Complex APMs

Alternative payment models like capitation and bundled payments require unique administrative steps, leading to a more complex adjudication process. Our bundles and capitation payment technology delivers streamlined capabilities for organizations that need to administer even the most complicated payment models. Reconcile expected versus actual payments, and analyze funds flow with integration between our payment and analytics technologies. Keep track of ever-changing attributed members with advanced and customizable reporting capabilities to ensure accurate payments.

See Our Solutions in Action

Choosing the right technology can be a daunting task, but our experts are ready to assist.



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Discuss your unique goals with our team to determine the right solutions.



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Explore the Platform

The right solution for your value-based journey is only a click away. Our modular technology is quickly and easily integrated into current systems and complements existing IT investments so that we can grow with you.

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