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Unbundle the Complexities of TEAM

Episode-based alternative payment models, or bundled payments, offer the potential to create better outcomes for everyone. However, as the launch of CMS’s new mandatory TEAM program approaches, many leaders from participating hospitals and administrative support organizations are struggling to piece together a strategy they can have confidence in.



Team Numbers-rev3We’re Your TEAMmate

Finding an experienced partner to help navigate an unprecedented program like TEAM can be a challenge. As vendors and consultants play catch-up to understand the nuances needed to help their clients maximize bundled payment programs, mandatory TEAM hospital leaders are looking for vendors that:

  • Have real-world experience executing full-scale bundled payment models/programs for clients
  • Understand the nuances of TEAM and are confident in what participating hospitals need to do to set themselves up for success
  • Provide a comprehensive suite of analytics and technology capabilities required to maximize TEAM performance, even if there already have pieces in place

You are in the right place! We ARE that vendor.



Bundled Packages




Cardiovascular Providers

points-of-light-award-2023 points-of-light-award
Recognized by KLAS Research for



Navigate TEAM with Confidence

With a track record administering and enabling high-performance bundled payment programs for over 40 years, helping our clients navigate TEAM is a natural evolution.

Our experienced managed services team offers flexible, reliable (and proven) bundled payment program management with turnkey services, including:

  • Experienced analysis to identify high-performing providers based on TEAM-specific episodes of focus
  • Network development and contracting services for program implementation
  • Complete program administration, including claims administration and provider payment
  • Ongoing performance management and analysis to boost clinical and financial performance indicators

The advanced analytics, care management programs, and payment administration executed by our managed services team is enabled by the industries only end-to-end Value-Based Care software platform. Our unique and comprehensive approach to data management allows for the components of our platform to work together seamlessly, yet remain highly modular to work within our client’s existing infrastructure and scale as necessary.

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Our single data lake drives consistency.
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Insights to Succeed in TEAM programs.
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Technology that puts your data to work.
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Simplify complex administration models.
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Put our expertise to work for you.

Ready to transform your TEAM path?

We can help support your journey.

Cedar Gate’s unmatched capabilities span all aspects of the TEAM program requirements, from performance modeling for episodes of focus, to provider network creation, claims processing and payment, and analytics to optimize financial performance.

icon-demo-30Experience Innovation Live

Request a live demo of our products to figure out if our fully integrated suite of solutions is right for you.

Finding the right technology for your value-based care journey is essential, but it’s not always easy. Our mission is to build the most comprehensive end-to-end platform to help payers, providers, and employers succeed in any value-based arrangement or line of business.

Request a Live Demo

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Let’s Chat

Reach out today to schedule a conversation with a member of our team to discuss your unique needs and find out if our integrated suite of solutions can help.

Finding the right technology for your value-based care journey is essential, but it’s not always easy. Our mission is to build the most comprehensive end-to-end platform to help payers, providers, and employers succeed in any value-based arrangement or line of business.

Request a Discovery Call

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Provider Group, Health Plan, Self-Funded Employer, etc.
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No problem! 

Watch our quick video overviews of the capabilities of our platform (no form fills required!)

Beckers2Preparing for TEAM: A Deep Dive into CMS’s New Bundled Payment Model

Join Tobin Lassen, Chief Bundled Solutions Officer at Cedar Gate as he deep dives into the complexities (and opportunities) of TEAM and other bundled payment programs on this episode of the Becker’s Hospital Review podcast.


Client Value Stories

CVCP Logo - 1 color - CMYK - Horizontal

Reduces Spend by 26% with Bundles Program

When CVCP knew it was time to shift from fee-for-service to VBC, they used Cedar Gate’s bundles adjudication software to build cardiac center of excellence. The result was a reduction of 26% in spending per cardiac patient, and a significant shift to more cost-effective care locations. FULL STORY >

Organization Type: High-performing physician-led cardiovascular care network

Location: Texas

26% reduction in per-patient spend on high-risk cardiovascular patients

One employer redirected 97% of appropriate care to more cost-effective settings


Maternity Bundles Result in $400,000 Savings

Working together, Metro Nashville Public Schools, Vanderbilt Health, and Cedar Gate created a sustainable bundled payment program. Vanderbilt’s physician champion and bundled payments team united financial, care management, and contracting teams to improve quality, lower costs, and boost patient satisfaction. FULL STORY >

Location: Nashville, Tennessee

$400,000 in total program savings in the first year alone

A 12% decline in C-section rates, from 40% to 28% of total deliveries

More healthy babies born, and a 16% decrease in NICU spending

Explore the Platform

The right solution for your value-based journey is only a click away. Our modular technology is quickly and easily integrated into current systems and complements existing IT investments so that we can grow with you.

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